
Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

How Runners Manage Blisters

Blisters on the feet are a common issue for runners, usually caused by friction and moisture. Friction arises from repeated rubbing between the skin and footwear, while moisture from sweat or wet conditions softens the skin, making it more prone to form a blister. Wearing Ill-fitting shoes and high-impact activities like running can worsen these problems, as do hot and humid weather,  and foot conditions like bunions or hammertoes. Proper footwear selection is vital, opting for shoes that fit well and offer sufficient toe space. Wearing moisture-wicking socks and applying lubricants like petroleum jelly can help keep feet dry and reduce friction. Gradual conditioning of the feet by slowly increasing running distances and intensity also helps the skin adapt and become more resilient. Protective padding, such as moleskin, can be applied to vulnerable areas to reduce friction and pressure. Regular foot care, including trimming toenails, addressing calluses and moisturizing, contributes to overall foot health and reduces blister risk. For guidance with painful or infected blisters, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist.

Blisters can usually be treated at home, however, if you have recurring blisters or experience significant discomfort or pain, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

What Is a Blister? 

A blister is a small pocket of fluid in the upper skin layers and is one of the body’s natural responses to injury or pressure. Blisters can also result from burns, fungal or viral skin infections, and the feet are particularly prone due to ill-fitting footwear and friction. Friction on the skin causes the upper layer of skin to separate from the lower layers. The space that this separation creates then becomes filled with a liquid called serum, which protects the lower layers of skin. 


If you notice a blister on your foot, you can cover it with a soft bandage or dressing to protect it. Popping the blister is discouraged. Doing so exposes the raw skin underneath it to bacteria and also raises the risk of infection. If a blister pops naturally, let it drain before covering it with a bandage. Blisters usually heal on their own or with home treatment, however, if your blister is recurring, very painful, or appears infected, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist for treatment. 


You can help to prevent blisters by wearing comfortable, well-fitted shoes. Keep your feet dry by wearing moisture-wicking socks and dust your feet with talcum powder if they tend to get sweaty. If you have areas on your feet that are more susceptible to blisters, you might be able to prevent the blister from forming by covering it with a pad. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Causes and Symptoms of Poor Foot Circulation

Poor foot circulation can stem from various underlying factors, impacting the flow of blood to your feet and leading to discomfort and other symptoms. One common cause is peripheral artery disease, or PAD, which occurs when arteries become narrowed or blocked, restricting blood flow to the extremities. Diabetes can also contribute to circulation issues, as high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels over time. Additionally, conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking can exacerbate circulation problems by further constricting blood vessels. Symptoms of poor foot circulation may include cold feet, numbness or tingling, swelling, cramping, and slow-healing wounds. If left untreated, these symptoms can escalate into more serious complications, such as ulcers or infections. It is vital to address the root cause of poor circulation through lifestyle changes or medication. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is suggested that you consult a chiropodist who can successfully treat poor circulation.

Poor circulation refers to a lack of adequate blood flow in the body. The feet and ankles are frequently affected by poor circulation. If you have symptoms of poor circulation, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

What causes poor circulation?

Poor circulation is typically caused by a buildup of a fatty substance called plaque in the arteries that supply the lower limbs. When plaque accumulates, it causes the blood vessels to narrow and harden, making it harder for blood to move through them. Without an adequate blood supply, the lower limbs do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to stay healthy. This can produce a variety of symptoms, especially as the condition progresses. 

For some people, there are no noticeable symptoms. If symptoms do arise, they can include 

  • Muscle cramps

  • Weakness

  • Fatigue

  • Pain that gets worse with physical activity

  • Balance problems

  • Difficulty walking

  • Wounds that heal poorly 

  • Hair loss

  • Discoloration

  • Coldness

Other causes of poor circulation include blood clots, varicose veins, diabetes, obesity, and Raynaud’s disease. 


Your chiropodist can perform a variety of simple, safe, and noninvasive screenings to assess the circulation in your lower limbs. One common vascular test is the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) test. During an ABI, the chiropodist measures your blood pressure in your arms and ankles and compares the two numbers to derive a ratio. The ratio is then used to determine your risk of having poor circulation. Another screening measure is a Doppler ultrasound, where sound waves are used to image the blood flow in the lower limbs. 

Who is at risk?

Those most at risk of having poor circulation are older adults and people with a personal or family history of cardiovascular disease. If you are at risk, it’s suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Gout Pain Can Be Managed

Gout is a painful, inflammatory form of arthritis. Those affected will typically feel an intense stiffness in the joints of their feet, particularly in the big toe. Schedule a visit to learn about how gout can be managed and treated.

Foot Care Routines for Healthy Feet

Maintaining proper foot care is essential for overall well-being and mobility, yet it is often overlooked in daily routines. Establishing a regular foot care regimen can promote foot health and prevent common problems. Start by cleansing your feet daily with mild soap and warm water, ensuring to dry them thoroughly, paying extra attention to the spaces between toes. Next, inspect your feet for any abnormalities such as cuts, blisters, or changes in skin color or texture. Trim toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails, and moisturize your feet to keep skin hydrated and supple. Wear well-fitting, supportive footwear suitable for your activities, and consider using cushioned insoles or orthotic inserts for added comfort and support. Additionally, engage in foot strengthening exercises and gentle stretches to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. If you have developed foot conditions from not having a good foot care routine, it is suggested that you visit a chiropodist who can guide you toward effective care methods.

Caring for your feet is not just something done at the chiropodist’s office. Good foot care starts at home. If you would like to learn more about daily foot care practices, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

There are many things that you can do at home to help care for your feet, including: 

  • Wearing shoes and socks that fit properly

  • Washing the feet daily with soap and water

  • Drying the feet thoroughly

  • Applying moisturizer to the soles and heels of the feet

  • Taking a walk and exercising the feet regularly 

  • Doing foot stretches and strengthening exercises 

A chiropodist can help figure out a manageable foot care routine for you to keep your feet healthy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Everyday Foot Care

​​Summer Ready Feet

Getting your feet summer-ready is a breeze with a few simple steps. Start by exfoliating to remove dry, dead skin, leaving your feet smooth and soft. Moisturize daily to keep skin hydrated and prevent cracking, focusing on heels and other rough areas. Trim toenails straight across to avoid ingrown nails, and remember to apply sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays. When it comes to footwear, opt for breathable sandals with proper arch support to prevent discomfort and blisters. Be mindful of spending too much time barefoot, especially on hot surfaces, to avoid burns and injuries. Lastly, if you have concerns about foot health or need personalized tips for summer foot care, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist who can offer you expert advice and treatments to ensure your feet are happy and healthy all summer long.

Summer is the season for many foot and ankle issues. If you’re suffering from a foot or ankle problem, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Common Summer Foot Problems 

  • Athlete’s foot

  • Toenail fungus

  • Plantar warts

  • Foot and ankle injuries

  • Bunions

  • Hammertoes

  • Heel pain

  • Cracked heels 

  • Sunburns

  • Blisters


  • Wear supportive shoes and avoid flip-flops

  • Maintain good foot hygiene

  • Exfoliate and moisturize the heels

  • Apply sunscreen to the feet and ankles

  • Wear shoes in public areas like swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Arthritis Can Cause Pain in the Feet and Ankles

If you are suffering from tenderness, pain, or stiffness in the joints of your feet or ankles, call us to schedule an appointment.

Are There Differences Between Walking and Running Shoes?

When it comes to selecting the perfect footwear for your fitness routine, understanding the disparities between running and walking shoes is vital. While both activities involve putting one foot in front of the other, the mechanics of each differ significantly, necessitating distinct shoe designs. Running shoes are engineered to absorb impact and provide ample cushioning to cushion the feet from the repetitive force generated by running. They also feature a higher heel drop to facilitate forward motion and reduce strain on the Achilles tendon. Conversely, walking shoes are designed with a lower profile and less cushioning since walking generates less impact force than running. Additionally, walking shoes often have a more flexible sole to accommodate the heel to toe rolling motion of walking. If you would like more information about what type of shoes to choose for your desired walking or running routine, it is suggested that you confer with a chiropodist.

Finding the right shoes can sometimes be a major hassle, especially if you intend to work out in them. There are shoes on the market designed specifically for running and walking, but it can be difficult to differentiate between the two and find the right shoes for you. If you’re having trouble finding the right shoes, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

What are the differences between running and walking shoes? 

These two types of shoes vary along several parameters.

  • Cushioning: Runners need more cushioning in the heel and forefoot areas of the shoe, while walkers can get away with less cushioning.

  • Heel height: Runners need a higher heel to provide them with stability, but the ideal height of the heel for runners varies depending on their running gait. Walkers generally don’t need a built-up heel.  

  • Heel flare: Flared heels can help provide extra stability for runners with certain gaits, while walkers may benefit from a flared heel to control the motion of their foot. 

  • Flexibility: Both runners and walkers need shoes that are flexible. 

For more information about the differences between walking and running shoes, and to figure out which shoes may be right for you, please consult with a chiropodist. Feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Differences Between Walking and Running Shoes

Causes and Symptoms of Cracked Heels

Cracked heels, or heel fissures, are often seen as a nuisance or a cosmetic issue but can become painful and even infected if left untreated. Dry skin, particularly when the skin surrounding the rim of the heel is thickened or callused, is a primary cause of cracked heels. Factors include prolonged standing on hard floors, biomechanical issues, obesity, and frequently wearing open-back shoes. Women are especially prone to developing cracked heels, reporting the condition at a rate over 50 percent higher than men. Visual symptoms are evident with cracks or fissures in the heel area, potentially leading to discomfort, pain, and bleeding. Infections can occur, signaled by redness, swelling, warmth, and pain upon touch. Medical conditions, including diabetes, psoriasis, and fungal infections, can predispose individuals to dry skin and increase the likelihood of cracked heels. A chiropodist can offer tailored treatment plans, address underlying conditions, and recommend suitable footwear to prevent cracked heels. If you have cracked heels that may be infected or are causing pain, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist for relief.

Dry, cracked heels are more than a cosmetic inconvenience. For many people, they are uncomfortable, deep, painful, and may even bleed. If you suffer from cracked heels, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 


  • Prolonged standing

  • Wearing open-back shoes

  • Wearing shoes that don’t cushion the heels

  • Living in a cold or dry climate

  • Taking long, hot showers

  • Not moisturizing the heels

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Palmoplantar keratoderma

  • Juvenile plantar dermatosis


  • Soaking the feet

  • Exfoliating with a pumice stone

  • Moisturizing the heels

  • Wearing closed-back shoes that cushion heels

  • Avoiding prolonged standing 

  • Taking warm, rather than hot, showers

  • Treating underlying skin conditions 

While milder cases of cracked heels can be treated at home, some patients present with deep, painful, bleeding heel fissures that are at risk of becoming infected and may require medical care. Additionally, patients with diabetes or any other conditions that affect the immune system should be monitored by a chiropodist. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Cracked Heels

Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!

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